Monday, April 8, 2013

feel poorly? plan you're weekend to make the most...

so its monday, iv felt like this since friday and its gradually getting worse! my head feels like it is full and about to burst and im starting to get a bit annoyed with it all...

so iv decided to think positive and plan things for the weekend ahead as i dont have work and i really dont plan on staying in bed all weekend feeling sorry for myself, especially after working with it all week.

saturday im going to prepare a honey spiced leg of lamb, ready for cook on sunday. there are 2 reasons for this... firstly i want to be a tad adventurous in the kitchen and secondly if i still have a cold i hope the spice will help it leave my body in time for monday.

i will also be setting up my own herb garden. i have never really taken to gardening but after watching a program the other day about how many different herbs we have in england i want to give it a go. hopefully it will inspire me to cook more too!

and then baking...

over the last few weeks i have been gathering up some ingredients to make cupcakes but haven't had the time to get on with it and actually make any.

i currently have a box of Ferrero Roche, 2 boxes of dark chocolate covered coffee beans, a pack of Praline truffles and enough cream eggs to make 152 brownies/cupcakes.
so i am going to get a bit creative and start adding things to my portfolio.

all the baking i do will be sold off and the money donated to charity...excited!

(picture from lick the bowl good


  1. Planning ahead is always a great idea, I just always feel like with uni there isn't any real weekends, because you have to work every single day, and I never really know how to schedule in some "nice" time, just to stay on track and not just loose it one day... Your plans sound super nice :)

    1. Uni was a pain, everyone says how amazing the social aspect is (Which yes, it is)...but people always say that the night life is amazing etc etc...i spent the majority of my time either panicing about uni or working...

    2. I can totally relate to this. No weekends, no free time, if I make free time, I end up feeling guilty. I have the last month of uni ahead of me and can't wait for it to be over!
